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Volunteer for the Virtual Data Help Desk at AGU 2021


Volunteer as a data or software expert for the Data Help Desk at AGU 2021 (Dec. 13th-17th, 2021). This event, which is a program of EarthCube, ESIP, and AGU, along with their partners, connects researchers with informatics experts familiar with their scientific domain to learn about skills and techniques that will help further their research and make their data and software open and FAIR. You can volunteer to participate virtually (even if you are not registered or attending) and/or in-person in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Answer earth science data & software questions virtually (monitor Twitter and/or Slack and answer where you can);

  2. Suggest a question and answer or related resource that you think will help Earth Science researchers with a common data or software challenge (i.e., like an FAQ entry);

  3. Contribute a recorded demo or one-pager about a tool or resource to our virtual resource gallery;

  4. *In-Person*: Staff Data Help Desk booth to answer questions and/or demo a tool or resource.

To volunteer, please complete this brief form, as soon as possible by Dec. 3rd, 2021. Learn more about specific options for participating here. Note: you do not have to be registered for the AGU Fall Meeting to participate virtually.

The Data Help Desk is happening in a hybrid manner for the first time after several successful virtual and in-person events at professional meetings over the last few years at the AGU Fall Meeting, the GSA Annual Meeting, the ESA Annual Meeting, the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, the Ocean Sciences Meeting, and more. Don't miss this chance to help others with data-related questions and to demo your tool or platform!

Questions? Contact



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​This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (1928208).  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. For official NSF EarthCube content, please visit NSF/Earthcube.

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