This application is for a travel grant of up to $1500 for early career researchers in the geosciences to attend the AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago, either virtually or in-person, where they will be presenting material related to the goals of the EarthCube program. The due date for your application is October 20th 2022. Early career is defined here as ten years out from completion of the highest degree earned or currently in school earning a degree. The presented material can include a poster or talk about science that intersects with cyberinfrastructure or big data, with a component that leverages new or existing cyberinfrastructure. The funding is for covering the applicant's registration fees, abstract fees, and travel expenses. Applicants need to submit a budget.
Awardees will be strongly encouraged to participate in EarthCube activities such as the EarthCube booth and EarthCube Townhall.
