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Theme: Charting New Territory


NSF EarthCube welcomes those interested in the intersection between cyberinfrastructure and geosciences to join the 2020 EarthCube Annual Meeting. The EarthCube Annual Meeting is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. Please see the Earthcube Conference Code of Conduct. 


Meeting objectives:

  • Touch base with the community and reflect on accomplishments.

  • Learn about important opportunities on the horizon for EarthCube.

  • Share novel approaches used in geoscience research and the new tools, techniques, and data available to others as a result.

Image by Madhu Shesharam

EarthCube Office Videos


Posters & Notebooks

Schedule Highlights

  • On demand access to meeting content [Posters, Notebooks]  -- begins on Monday, June 15th

  • A concise one-day live plenary -- Thursday, June 18th

  • One bonus day for working sessions -- Friday, June 19th


Call for Abstracts - Due April 15, 2020

EarthCube welcomes project participants, new PIs, early career researchers and scientists, and all other interested parties to submit abstracts for oral & poster presentations, notebooks and working sessions. 


Oral Presentations

The 2020 EarthCube Annual Meeting welcomes abstracts for oral presentations.Topics may include: Science Outcomes, Community Engagement, Technology Integration, and EarthCube Project Sustainability.

Image by USGS

Poster Presentations

As with many scientific meetings and conferences, the poster sessions will be the key communication platform. Posters will be grouped thematically, and will be presented on either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.  The date/time of your presentation and the size of the poster display will be communicated to presenters upon acceptance. Poster presenters will have an opportunity to give a lightning talk during the Annual Meeting. The Organizing Committee members will accept only a single poster per presenter. Individuals may be a co-author on multiple posters.

In particular, we are interested in posters that:

  • Discuss science that uses or has been enabled by EarthCube;

  • Introduce science questions or projects looking to integrate EarthCube infrastructure;

  • Pair EarthCube Infrastructure with projects that use the tools;

  • Showcase educational outcomes using EarthCube Tools (notebooks, workshops, courses);

  • Are EarthCube Tools;

  • Are of Integration activities that link EarthCube Building Blocks;

  • Show results from Research Coordination Networks;

  • Science and other activities of direct relevance to EarthCube’s mission; or

  • Other posters dealing with social components of EarthCube Research or topics not covered here.

Working  Sessions

We welcome submissions for working sessions (formerly called breakout sessions). Working sessions may consist of mini hack-a-thons, do-a-thons, work-a-thons, or other kinds of sessions in which the EarthCube community is engaged to discuss particular questions, provide feedback on new technologies, or evaluate new frameworks for data policies, procedures, or workflows. The goal of working sessions are to move the community forward on particular topics of interest to the EarthCube community. In particular we are interested in working sessions (mini hack-a-thons, do-a-thons, work-a-thons). No speakers or presenters allowed.


Submission Process

All abstract submissions are due on April 15, 2020 and will be limited to 300 words in length.

All abstracts were subject to review by the 2020 EarthCube Annual Meeting Organizing Committee.

Cracked Ice

Call for Notebooks - Abstracts Due April 15 

As scientific studies become more data intensive and software dependent, reproducibility principles and other factors increase the importance of citable publications that include reusable workflows, software, and data-access procedures. This importance is reflected in new academic journals, such as the Journal of Open Source Software, whose peer reviewed articles highlight the software itself, and often can include executable notebooks (Jupyter , R Studio, etc.). In this spirit, EarthCube is issuing its first call for Notebooks as primary, peer-reviewed submissions to a digital proceedings for this year’s EarthCube Annual Meeting. Submitted notebooks should highlight a tool (i.e. software, service, library, dataset, standard), explaining—and demonstrating interactively-—how the tool may be used to address a significant problem in geoscience.

Submissions should leverage tools such as Docker and mybinder as needed to fully encapsulate the highlighted tool. Submissions should take the form of URLs to a repository containing the notebook which will be peer reviewed by reviewers from the geoscience/cyberinfrastructure community in terms of impact to geoscience research and overall usability.  Accepted notebooks will be included in a digital proceedings, presented orally, and published within an EarthCube notebook directory for others to discover and use. To help describe non-executable portions of a workflow, members of EarthCube’s ASSET team will be present to facilitate the creation of workflow sketches. Notebook abstracts due April 15. Final Notebooks due on May 15 - submit here.​

Pile Of Books

Notebook Organizing Committee:

  • David Fulker (OPeNDAP)

  • Daniel S. Katz (University of Illinois)

  • Kenton McHenry (NCSA)

  • Lynne Schreiber (SDSC)


Notebook Reviewers:

  • Drew Camron (UNIDATA)

  • Julien Chastang (UNIDATA)

  • Jeff Dozier (UCSB)

  • David Fulker (OPeNDAP)

  • Ryan Gooch (NREL)

  • Joseph Hardin (PNNL)

  • Keith Maull (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

  • Kenton McHenry (NCSA)

  • Chris Olson (UCSD)

  • Stephen Richard (U. S. Geoscience Information Network)

  • Bradley Spitzbart (Stony Brook University)

  • Lisa Tauxe (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

  • Carol Willing (Project Jupyter)

  • Ilya Zaslavsky (UCSD)

Organizers / Contact


Get Social with #EarthCube2020

We welcome and encourage live-tweeting and sharing through social media during the meeting, using the hashtag #EarthCube2020.  A speaker or poster presenter who does not wish for content to be shared must explicitly state so at the beginning of their presentation.

  • Twitter
  • YouTube

​This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (1928208).  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. For official NSF EarthCube content, please visit NSF/Earthcube.

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